Saturday, February 6, 2010

Operation Camo Bag: Completed

Monday is my nephew's 13th birthday (Happy Birthday, Dillon!) and I had been racking my brain as to what to make for a 13 year old boy. I mean, really, what do you make???? I searched through websites and magazines for ideas and I came across a pattern for a large laundry bag in the first issue of Sew It All magazine. Now, I seriously doubt he needs to lug laundry around but I thought, "What about paintball gear? Or his ghilley suit that Big Daddy help him make for Halloween? (For those of you who don't know what a ghilley suit is, google's pretty awesome).

And this is what I came up with:

Maybe it will look better if Big Daddy models it:

I sewed a zipper on the straps so he can carry it as a duffle:

Or he can unzip it and carry it as a backpack:

And, is it just me, or does Big Daddy bear a resemblance to the old guy on the cover of the Led Zeppelin IV album:

No? It is just me? Oh well....

I also addded a name patch that Big Daddy had on one of his old Army uniforms. I mean, we gotta represent, right?

Now, that this is finished, it's on to the next projects: a Valentine's gift for Big Daddy and gifts for Keeley's first birthday!


  1. That's fantastic! You are just too talented woman.

  2. My man also refers to himself as Big Daddy. Is it a military thing? Anyway, your blog and your crafts are awesome! Keep on craftin'!

  3. Awesome! When you told me you were making a 13 year old boy a backpack I was a little worried... I'm no longer worried, this looks great! :-)

  4. This is pretty cool! It looks like you may need to make one for Frank for his birthday also!
