Friday, May 6, 2011

Gettin' Organized

I've been trying to get my sewing room organized and back to its original glory. What used to look like this:

Now looks like this:

I'm such a slob! If you notice in the above picture, the cat bed for the window I made for my sweet little kitty is empty but the basket of fabric on top of the shelf is not:

What an ingrate!

While cleaning, I discovered (or should I say "re-discovered"?) many, many unfinished projects so my goal is to finish them all up before I start any new projects. So this little project I started, oh, about a year and a half ago. I had been wanting some sort of cover for my back seat so when I travel with the dog I can put stuff on the floor of the back seat without her getting into it and keep her in the backseat at the same time. I came across this pattern and thought I'd give it a try:

And I started it. Then got completely irritated because it was so large and awkward to work with. So I put it in the closet. And there it sat. And sat. Oh yeah, and sat. But this past week I decided to tackle it again and actually, it was pretty easy to finish :)

Love me some leopard print! I used a turquoise fleece for the other side:

One small doesn't quite work like I had planned:

Ahem.....much better:

(By the way, I took about 50 pictures before I got one of her cooperating)

I'm slowly plugging away on more projects...some old ones, and some new ones...I know, I know but I can't help myself.